Knight Insurance is a great choice for pet owners because it offers comprehensive coverage for your furry friends. Not only does it provide protection for your pets in case of accidents or theft, it also includes coverage for legal defense and claims.

One of the standout features of Knight Insurance is its high limits on civil liability coverage. This coverage helps to protect you financially in the event that your pet causes damage to someone else’s property or injures someone. Knight Insurance offers coverage ranging from 150,000 to 6,000,000 euros, giving you peace of mind that you’ll be protected in the event of an unexpected incident.

Additionally, Knight Insurance covers the costs of slaughter in the event that your pet becomes lost or stolen. This means that you’ll have the financial support you need to search for your beloved companion and get them back safely.

Overall, Knight Insurance is a great deal for pet owners because it offers comprehensive coverage for your pets, including protection against accidents, theft, and civil liability. With its high limits and additional features like legal defense and claim coverage, Knight Insurance gives you the peace of mind you need to care for your pets with confidence.

1 Step 1

RC LIMIT: From 150.000€ to 6.000.000€

Estimated pet value
Is your pet classified as dangerous?


Do you want to include theft / accident?
Do you participate in fairs / parades?
Do you want to include defense and claim?
Do you want to include sacrifice?

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